I’ve mentioned something here and there during the past several months. But I want to devote a little more time to it — especially after a recent trip I took! After years of enjoying (and reviewing) all sorts of cocktails, I decided sometime last year that I should probably start laying off alcohol. Maybe not forever (with a few exceptions, the word “forever” terrifies me). But my blood pressure wasn’t good — especially considering that I took medication to reduce it. My body runs a little warm — but I was sweating a lot. My body ached in general. I was moodier and more anxious than normal! 🙂
I wasn’t drinking all day, every day or anything like that. But I needed a separation from my precious bourbon, spiced rum, and red wine. I consulted with my doctor, developed a plan, and put it into motion. Instead of cutting back on booze, I’d stop drinking it altogether. (It turns out that alcohol isn’t good for you. Who knew?!) It sounded like a good challenge!
That was back in October. Months later, I haven’t had a drink. My blood pressure is great and most of my aches and pains are gone (except for old sports injuries and the “usual getting” older stuff). I’m in a better mood — most of the time 🙂 . (I might drink alcohol again someday but my physical, mental, and financial health all benefit from not imbibing!)
Drinking alcohol and traveling practically go hand-in-hand for many people, at least from a cultural standpoint. But I have to drink when I travel! I thought. Well, it turns out that no, I don’t.
I’m one of those people who actually enjoys the taste of certain alcoholic beverages. (Most non-alcoholic spirits and wines taste like absolute garbage.) I wasn’t much of a beer drinker back in the day, but I’ve really gotten into non-alcoholic beers. My friend John (a Delta Platinum and fellow dad at our daughters’ elementary school) introduced me to Athletic’s 0.5% ABV IPA, which is very tasty. And I’ve always enjoyed Heineken; their 0.0% ABV product tastes a lot like the real thing. So, I occasionally drink those when I feel like living large or there’s a special occasion. (I can’t have more than a couple because they’re so filling!)
A number of restaurants and bars I visited during the past several months offer non-alcoholic beers. I was delighted when I recently stopped at a Delta Sky Club and learned those lounges now serve Heineken 0.0 as part of their complimentary bar menu!

So, shout out to Delta for that. (Heineken appears to be making a big push into the non-alcoholic market.)
I do have a teensy-weensy request for Delta, though. I wish they’d have a non-alcoholic beer available for purchase on flights. It would give us something to do with our drink coupons! (I believe JetBlue and Alaska offer non-alcoholic brews.) I certainly don’t fault them for not serving NA beers. My guess is that Delta doesn’t hear a big demand for booze-free brews. Space and weight considerations are vital to airplanes, so stocking something that isn’t very popular and wouldn’t sell probably isn’t at the top of their to-do list.
But it’s definitely something I hope they’ll introduce at some point, even on a limited basis.
Would you drink non-alcoholic beer on flights?
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Yes, would love it. Atlhletic’s products are great. I haven’t drank in many years but I enjoy the new crop of NA beers regularly.
100% agree. I don’t drink when I fly, even if there’s killer booze on board. I always make a point of asking for non-alcoholic beer. I love seeing Athletic (and Heinekin) on a menu.
fully agree. They also need to make the drink coupons themselves easier to access in flight. Like it used to be. The current iteration of the app (like most things they’ve changed in the app) is horrible. I literally had to hold up the drink cart last flight while I clicked deep within the hidden menu’s of the app.
@dave – You are so spot on. Not all too long ago you could use them for a snackbox. Why not again?
Did you ever find where the coupons were, Dave? I can’t find mine (to share with family and friends traveling with me).
Interesting Post
I love this story!! Glad you are making so many
healthy choices and that it’s paying dividends! I like the classic club soda and cranberry in flight. I’ve been sober for almost 15 years now and life is much better
Great Chris! I took a hiatus for a couple of months to lose weight, get fit, eat healthier, and reset my perspective about what “moderation” means. Athletic’s NA stuff is amazing compared to the competition.
Booze can always be purchased. Health cannot.
100% agree! Great post. I still do drink on planes and for some reason I’m not sure why I can actually drink more on a plane than if I went to a restaurant or stayed home. But if the NA option was there I would totally switch after a cocktail or wine. It would still satisfy that taste. Athletic makes great “beers.” I think Dekta would be surprised how many people – drinkers or not- would partake. Could even be used as a gift to someone overseved?
Love this idea!
You might try Saudia Airlines for flights to Asia or the Middle East. It is completely alcohol free of course. It has non-alcohol beer, wine, and mocktails. The wine tastes a little funky but the beer is great. Suadia has a lot of low cost business-class fares that yield decent MQDs. Some flights require a one- or two-day stopover in Jeddah or Riyadh. There are interesting things to do. A Jeddah stopover provided the perfect opportunity for a shore dive in the Red Sea. Thanks for the tip about the SkyClub. I never would have thought to ask.
If you need to fly a dry airline to refrain from drinking you might want to seek outside help!
The days of good MQD return on partner airlines as a percentage-of-miles-flown is pretty much over unless you’re buying full first class.
I think John is suggesting trying those airlines’ beverage fare or considering them as an option — not necessarily because anyone needs help.
And, yes, it’s been meh for MQD runs (at least, the ones we’ve been searching and compared to before).
Regarding alcohol, you missed the point of the post and my comment. As far as MQDs, I’ve booked Saudia JFK to BKK r/t and BKK to IAD r/t with business class fares of about $2800 including taxes and fees that yielded about 4200 MQDs. I call that decent.
Perhaps Saudia discounts some fares to attract people who might have prejudices against an Islamic airline that serves no alcohol and the one- or two-day layovers. Flying a dry airline and visiting Saudi Arabia had not been at the top of my list, but the great inflight service including delicious meals and an onboard chef, better-than-average (but dry) business class lounges plus getting where I wanted to go cheaply and comfortably with a MQD bonus was worth it. I also found Saudi Arabia to be interesting and friendly. It helps to have an open mind. YMMV
Congrats Chris! I haven’t had a drink in over 25 years after aggressive imbibing in college. The Philly SC knows me as the Heineken non-alcoholic guy. Once in FC the flight attendant mixed up my club soda with my seatmate’s vodka and my head started to spin after one sip. I was bombarded with many RDMs and apologies. You will soon realize that you sleep and feel so much better when you don’t drink.
Thanks! Sleeping better is definitely a major perk. A server accidentally gave me someone’s G&T last week — which I sniffed before taking a drink. I was like, “Whoever ordered the liquid Christmas tree, I’ll trade you for the club soda and lime you probably just got…”
Delta needs to make Jack Daniels complimentary again. I’m not a fan of Non Alcoholic drinks. Soon, Delta will be alcohol free citing this post, all the while continuing to raise prices.
You’re talking about in the Sky Clubs, correct?
Totally with you on this one Chris!
Drinking while traveling *is* culturally ingrained for many of us. When I quit drinking 18 months ago, traveling was the hardest habit to break. From the pre-flight drinks, to pre-dinner drinks, wine top ups, and aperitifs, to long layovers in multiple lounges. Drinking was just part of the process.
I find myself to be keenly aware of the drinking around me, probably just part of the healing process. You can always tell who’s been upgraded to first. They’re the ones ordering a woodford on an hour long regional flight departing at 6am. Have to take advantage of those first class perks!
Congrats Chris on doing his for yourself and family!
I was on a recent Delta flight from Florida to Dulles. My wife and I were in the Exit Row in the Main Cabin. Having been there before, I was used to having the flight attendant ask if we were capable and and ready to help in an emergency. AND ask us to read the emergency brochure. One twist. Makayla, out flight attendant asked something new. “Would we like her to show us what we should do.” Indicating she would instruct on where to open and how to work the door.
I thought that was a great idea, as so many say yes to the standard question, but never take time to read the brochure. Remember that not every plane has the same procedure. I told her so. Maybe Delta and the other airlines should entertain adding that to the instructions for those in the exit rows. By the way, I am a multi million miler on Delta.
Happy to hear this has turned out so well for you and with your health being so much better. Too many wait too long to take charge of their health and suffer for it. We lose too many great people too early because they ignore their health.
I have never been a drinker but as a challange with a friend decieded to give up soda for a year. That was in 2002 and I haven’t had one since and I’m sure my body is much better because of this.
Looking forward to spending more time with the new healthier you!