It’s funny that most weeks the “rookie” posts are really targeted at the travel pro’s who think they know it all but often times don’t. But this week really is for the rookie or the rookie at heart. Let’s see how much of my “bet you did not know” list you know about.
The light on the side of your seat (or somewhere else). Do you know why this is bulb is there? It is not for emergencies or such for you to follow (those are on the floor). No, this light only comes on when your seat is fully upright. This way a flight attendant can quickly see if they need to bug you to fix your seat before landing.
The panel UNDER the lavatory sign. Did you know on many jets the lavatory sign pivots up? Know why? With a screw driver or pen a flight attendant can unlock the door from outside to assist you who have locked it. Or, to lock it for non-use for whatever reason from the outside.
Delta Zone 1 boarding is not 1st to board? I know 1 sounds like 1 but in Deltaland Zone 1 is actually toward the bottom of the boarding list. Don’t believe me look here to see what I mean.
Heating & Cooling run by external units when on the ground. When the jet is up in the air the heating and cooling is clearly provided by the jet itself. But when on the ground they use external units to keep us at a comfortable temperature (most of the time).
Why you are told to raise your blinds before landing. It is not for the view either during the day or at night. It is for safety. If things go wrong the crew needs to be able to see outside and decide what emergency doors to open and what ones to keep closed. You too should play a part in this if you are in the exit row and need to be aware NOT to open one if there is fire outside your door.
Why are the lights dimmed before landing? This again is one of those most don’t think about but again for safety. If your eyes are pre-adjusted to darkness, if things go really wrong and the aircraft goes dark, then you are better prepared for movement in the dark cabin.
You don’t have to be an elite medallion to get TSA priority! No really. If you happen to hold the Delta Amex Reserve card, personal or business, you can use the priority line at security when flying Delta domestically. Not as fast as Pre Check but still a perk.
It is not safe to brush your teeth with water on-board. If you do want to brush your teeth before you land you better bring either a cup or bottle of water with you. It is not ever safe to drink or even use for wetting your toothbrush the water coming out of the faucet on a jet.
You, most times, have more info about delays than the flight attendants. I am always shocked about folks asking questions to crews that just do not have the info they want to know. They do not have a computer screen in the galley that tells them things about whatever. Use your phone and the many apps we have to get up to date info about delays, weather etc.
Some clubs can not serve drinks before some set time on Sundays due to local laws. I know this sounds strange in 2017 but ugly blue laws as they call them are still in place here and there where an airport happens to sit so they have to block you from enjoy a morning refresher. I don’t judge because you may be on a time zone where it is dinner time for you, after all.
Flight attendants can start the IFE on the ground. Yes, they are often busy getting many things done before you push back but on jets that have modern IFE know they can start it up when they want to and many times that is on the ground at boarding.
You do not have to stay in your seat when the seat belt light is on. The exception to this is on the ground. You must stay in your seat when you are taxiing. But once up in the air you must not wait for the light to go off to get up. But know you are taking a risk and there is likely a reason the captain has not turned it off yet. Sometimes for safety, sometimes to give the flight crew time to get carts out before you start getting in the way!
So how did you do? Did you know all of these? Were you surprised by any of them? You don’t have to comment but do vote in my reader poll below just for fun! – René

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Yep, the little light on the side of my seat is the one that got me….
I can’t believe I didn’t know about the Amex getting you into a priority line. I might fly 4 times a year but I paid for pre-check because I’m extremely impatient and have a hard time standing in line. (I’m working on it though). I also can’t say I’ve ever noticed a priority line for the card but, then again, I’m not looking for it because I have pre-check. I will pay more attention next time. One question, however: can an authorized user of the card get this perk or do you have to be the primary just like you do for having the bag fee waived?
“ugly blue laws as they call them”
Rene I know we’re not supposed to be political here but since you were I figured I could. I have traveled in the south extensively where blue laws are more prevelant and find their customs quaint and charming. I am not sure why we are so careful to not offend other “quirky” cultures and/or countries but find it easy blow off some of our own regional differences.
I was just in Toronto and they have their “blue” laws too I found out over the weekend. Thx for the blog and all else you do to inform us. It is much appreciated.
Not only did I miss several, I even needed to google IFE. Speaking of which, I’ve noticed sometimes wifi and Delta Studio keeps running thru landing and taxi right up to the gate. So much for the warning they always give.
One thing I discovered that some people hasn’t, in some airlines, the arm rest on the aisle can actually fold up like the ones in the middle seats. There is a latch under the arm rest close to where it attaches to the seat or sometimes at the back.
It makes it so much easier to get out of your seat and deplane. Especially when your hands are full, or elderly people who have difficulties sliding to the side standing up. They can scoot to the edge, turn sideways, and stand up.
I thought a couple years ago that Delta was advertising gate to gate IFE but it is probably switched on only 20 percent of the time. It would be nice to have it working as soon as I sit down on a short flight if I want to be able to watch an entire movie. United seems to be a lot better than Delta about having their IFE working as soon as you board.
Some Skyclubs also don’t have alcohol out at opening time during the week. At the DTW they can’t start serving until I believe 7 a.m. so you won’t see any of the adult stuff out right at opening.
Rene….The blue light is for use of power not upright and locked. The green light on D1 planes shows the sear is upright and locked.
Are you sure about the light by the side of your seat? I think the blue light shown in the picture shows if the passenger is using a plug.
@Brian – I did not have the exact shot and why I said or other places (like on 777 way on top) it is just for illustration.
PDX SkyClub cannot sell hard liquor….just beer & wine….so you are now “in the know”
I was not aware that the water in the bathroom sink is not potable. I’ve brushed my teeth and washed out my toothbrush on long haul international trips.
Knew all of the others.