Blogging is a funny life. I get all kinds of offers to visit this place or that place or take this flight or that and I always politely tell them I do not take “comps” for stays or flights as I always pay my own way or use points (but I do take upgrades when I am already paying – I am not stupid after all). I often get offers via email like the above from either Xiang or Kristine (I am not sure which one really) to try some product for free if I write a review. I either answer the same way that I only review what I buy or I just dump the email without responding. But this one I clicked on to see just what they were suggesting I write about. Oh boy…

OK tell me your instant reaction to see the photo and product above! Was it…
EEWWWWWW that is just nasty. How many things just flooded into your mind. Maybe something like: You know someone who has one of these is going to, while doing their business, pick up their phone and use it. Then, later on, not wipe it down and hand it to someone (maybe me) and have me hold it and look at something (shudder – yuck – eewwwww).

Or, was your first instant reaction something totally different because:

Heyyyyyy that is a brilliant idea (I need one of those). I can not tell you the number of times I have had my phone in my back pocket and have gone to sit down and had the phone “almost” go into the toilet (if you have done this, and still use your phone, eewwwwww 100x)! So if you had one of these combo phone and paper holders you could put it there before you do your thing.

I have to admit I have gotten close, a few times, to dropping my phone into a toilet on an airplane. Not because I was using it while I was about to go but it was in my shirt pocket and when bending over to raise the lid… I can safely say it never happened but oh my did my heart sink once or twice (how would you explain that to the flight crew if it went down the pipe I ask you).

So you tell me folks. What do you think of this product. Would you buy one? Would you use it? If you went to a friends house and it was installed in their bathroom what would you think (and think of them now)? If you have ever dropped your phone in the toilet, was it something a bag of rice fixed for you or were you shopping for a new phone?! Oh this is going to be fun! – René
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That shelf will be awesome to hold your beer/cocktail/wine as you take care of nature and then get back to multi-tasking.
I am not a bathroom reader Rene. IMHO males seem to enjoy reading o. The think tank. Once, I was flying and had my small cell in my top pocket. I grabbed a wad of seat liners to place on surface and CLUNK
Faster than a speeding xxxx. It went careening down down that distance and bam slammed through the trap door. nEVER seen again! ‘‘Twas time for a new phone!
Don’t touch someone’s phone if they have been driving either.
I’ve never had a phone fall in, but once while traveling (via car) for work, I stopped in a fast-food restaurant to run to the bathroom. My car keys fell out of my pocket right into the toilet. Since they were my only way home, I was forced to fish them back out. Ugh. I washed them with soap from the soap dispenser a MILLION times that day, and it still didn’t feel like it was enough! It’s best to not have anything in your pockets when going to the restroom!
I was in a restroom (not on a plane) and I heard a toilet flush and a woman say: Oh, no… Her friend asked what was up. Her necklace had slipped off her neck and into the bowl and the toilet auto-flushed.
I sometimes take my phone or other objects to the bathroom on planes, and a place to put them where they won’t fall in would be welcome.
That is awesome! I want to buy two please! In many public airport bathrooms, there is a flat surface/shelf over the toilet paper dispenser- perfect place for phone or beverage to rest while personal business is taken care of. Wish I’d invented that TP holder.
I saw this in a hotel or airport bathroom a few years ago and wonder why we don’t have it in the US. So I went and bought on for my home – best investment ever. Let’s be honest, most people look at their phone when they are sitting on the toilet. This iis the perfect place to put your phone, instead of on the floor…
Trust me, it won’t fell into the toilet if you buy the entire set…and get the Toto toilet with the automatic lid! 😉
Speaking of which… that Palm phone is so old, it’s time for it to go… You should thank the toilet for being so open and ready 🙂