Delta has confirmed with me they are, over the next 6 months, making major changes to the CJR700 fleet that is run by their partner airlines (they are all painted to look like Delta jets).
First let’s start with all the details shared with RenesPoints from Delta spokesman Morgan Durrant about the coming changes:
“Delta is adding four additional seats to CRJ-700 aircraft in concert with regional partners GoJet, ExpressJet and SkyWest. This same modification also expands Comfort+ seating. All 82 aircraft are scheduled to be completed before next summer. Also, these four additional seats come as the aircraft’s aft cargo hold was modified to allow for the space and are located in the aft section of the main cabin. While two aircraft of 82 have been completed, these four seats won’t be available for customer use for the next several months. While there will be less capacity for total cargo weight on the aircraft, there will still be ample room for checked bags. The new modification will call for nine seats in First Class, 16 seats in Comfort+ and 44 seats in the main cabin. The four additional seats in the rear of the aircraft will have the same amount of pitch as most of the other seats. However, some seat pitch will decline in rows prior to the exit row of the aircraft behind Comfort+ seating.”
That is a lot to take in. I have attempted to take the official Delta CRJ700 information page and update the jet with the confirmed changes described above. Take a look:

Boiling it all down, Comfort+ will double in size form 8 to 16 seats and now even surpasses the 12 Comfort+ seats on the larger CRJ900 while 1st class will remain at 9.
The main cabin will increase by 4 seats with the addition of a row 18 for a total of 44 main cabin seats that includes one exit row. I was told crew space will NOT be impacted by this change.
Now some other interesting comparisons and musings about these changes. The similarity between the CRJ700 and CRJ900 are striking. You are talking 69 seats vs 76 seats and only about 100 miles less range for the smaller aircraft thus the two will basically fulfill the same role.
I further asked if there will be any adjustments to the routes planned for these upgraded aircraft and if they will have any impact on the reduction of CRJ200 aircraft now in service but was told it was too soon to consider that information.
The only thing about this change that concerns me is the decreased pitch in main cabin coach in front of the exit row to accommodate the “extra” recline for the larger Comfort+ seats. This will mean you are much better off, if you value recline, behind the exit row than in front of the exit row. Maybe a minor issue but if this is on a long duration flight that can make a huge difference in comfort.
Personally I would rather have seen them add another row of first class, match the Comfort+ like the CRJ900 with 12 and thus the two aircraft, from a 1st class and Comfort+ arrangement would be interchangeable.
What do you think of these BIG changes on the way to the CRJ700 partner fleet? – Rene
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Horrible. I was hoping for 2nd bathroom, in seat power.
Id rather have 900.
Extra seats to me means crippling agony in the seats in the back of the box causing us to have to pay more or maintain upper level status to remain comfortable. No matter how they spin this type of change it is not customer centric. But maybe I am jilted in perspective?
I thought Delta was supposed to get rid of the CRJ-200? I was suppose to fly down to Wal-Mart headquarters and was dreading almost two hours on a CRJ-200 from Minneapolis to Northwest Arkansas.
@FNT – CRJ200s are continuing to reduced but other jets must take their place and join the network. I feel your pain flying out of SBN to ATL & MSP that can take up to 2hrs on these tiny torture tubes (ie CRJ200s)!
I was wondering what they were going to do with the 472 seats REMOVED from aircraft that you reported earlier. Guess now we know! All joking aside I am thankful I don’t have fly fly any of these from TPA or MCO. I occasionally see a CRJ900 in TPA but it’s flying some crazy route like TPA-RDU-ATL. No thanks!
I got to fly on one of the two modified jets last week. Was nice that comfort plus went back farther, little added bonus for my traveling crew.
C’mon, it’s just more lipstick on these pigs. First and Comfort+ are a joke on these planes. They just stink. Period!!
@Stephan – I 100% respectfully disagree. The First class seat is one of my favorites on ANY Delta jet. You are talking almost 20″ width and that is just 1″ less than the new 737-900er seats and a full 1″+ more than the horrid domestic 767-300 jets. I find them, at least in 1st class, to be a very enjoyable ride with fast wifi even at times!
You might want to check out the most recent flight schedule. I noticed for at least a few days this month, SBN will have mainline Delta service to ATL (717s, an A320). I’m guessing that there’s a Notre Dame game on those days, but perhaps it indicates some upgauging going forward? There are also some scattered CRJ-700/900s scheduled.
Just wanted to let you know.
@William – Yep ND weekends. Take a look at 1st class moving forward over winter and you will see CRJ200s as far as the eye can see! 🙁
Anything is better than the 50 seat RJ’s
@Leslie – AMEN!
I try to not use any of the Partners’ flights now that we live in DFW area because they always seem to be late arriving or leaving. Never had that problem with ‘Mainline flights’ from former home in SAN.
hard to believe they can find room for MORE SEATS.. we were in a 757-200 in prem comfort??? times 2 yesterday and the seats were so narrow and seemed to have no padding… they also did not recline but 2 inches(is that a new thing) also my hubby had a 400 pounder sitting next to him -big guy was in the window… andf a screaming baby on the seat across from us .. alot of fun esp when the big guy after 3 whiskey’s started singing and whistling. the only other thing was people said they were cold so the HEAT came on and did not stop,.., nuts